Complex Needs Resource Base
We have 2 classes in the Complex Needs Resource Base (CNRB). Children may stay for several years in one class and this is depending on their level of need. The curriculum is on a four year cycle, although key concepts and skills are covered regularly. The children have personalised approaches to support their learning, social skills and self-help skills, which draw on elements of TEACCH systems, as well as learning through child-led interests and the Engagement Model. We aim for learning to be highly engaging and multi-sensory.
There is a high staff-pupil ratio which supports pupils in their academic and social learning, with support staff taking on a smaller group of key children which they work with more frequently and take an active role in working on EHCP targets. To aid communication, Makaton signs and picture symbols are used throughout the classroom, which the children are encouraged to use on a daily basis.
The curriculum is tailored and personalised for each individual child, focussing on supporting areas of learning that the child finds most difficult. The objectives that are followed are a blended approach of Early Years learning goals, National Curriculum and the Engagement Model, as well as developing each individual child’s key targets from their EHCP.
The children access a variety of different provisions:
- Development of self-help and independent life skills such as dressing, toileting and eating skills.
- PSHE development of personal safety skills such as road safety, stranger danger awareness and keeping themselves safe.
- Development of sensory fulfilment through specialised programmes, such as, TACPAC and multi-sensory approaches to learning.
- Opportunities to access appropriate therapies such as, Draw and Talk and ELSA
- Swimming sessions (from Term 4)
- Development of listening and attention skills and support of communication skills through Attention Autism sessions (Bucket Time).
- Weekly story sharing sessions to develop communication skills in conjunction with parental support
- Colourful Semantics to support Communication and Literacy skills.
- Fine and gross motor skill development including developing cutting skills, Dough Disco sessions, finger exercises to develop dexterity, pencil control and the use of bikes and scooters.